Journey To Nibiru, A Clear And Present Danger

Nibiru Final Cut x

With all the bits and pieces of documentaries, predictions, calculations, theories, beliefs, news, videos and images about Nibiru or Planet X that I came across while browsing the internet for more than a decade now, I finally decided to take a closer look at this interesting subject. I started my own journey to this unusual hypothetical cosmic object last December 19, 2012.

My journey was largely motivated by the recent frequent sightings of Two-Suns uploaded in the YouTube and the increased activities of unidentified objects around the Sun as shown by the STEREO images. These objects around the Sun appears like spacecrafts, huge- like planets, usually seen with wings, and move with unbelievable speed across the solar system and back for few seconds. Whenever they get close to the sun, STEREO images often capture beam of lights as if there are objects shooting at them. They are indeed mystifying sight to watch and thus invite extreme curiosity.

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